Home Renovation Savings Program

Residential Solar Rebates in Ontario

The provincial government is launching a new Home Energy Efficiency program designed to help Ontario businesses and homeowners reduce energy consumption and save on their utility bills. Another goal is to create a more stable energy supply for everyone in the province.

Starting January 28, 2025 the expansive Home Renovation Savings Program will provide rebate incentives on a wide variety of improvement projects that enhance energy efficiency. The benefits range from a $75 rebate for smart thermostats to $12,000 in rebates for ground source heat pumps. Homeowners can also receive up to $5,000 in solar power rebates towards the cost of solar panels in Ontario, and up to $5,000 for home energy storage solutions.

The full list includes:

  • up to $5,000 for rooftop solar panels
  • up to $5,000 for battery storage systems
  • $600 for a home energy assessment
  • $100 per new window and door
  • up to $8,900 for insulation
  • up to $250 for air sealing
  • $75 for a smart thermostat
  • $500 for a heat pump water heater
  • up to $7,500 for a cold climate air source heat pump
  • up to $12,000 for a ground source heat pump

Homeowners must submit an application to receive their rebate within 30-60 days. There are plans to expand this program further to include additional home appliances and improvements. The goal is to offset the cost of energy efficient renovations, upgrades and improvements by 30%.

The Home Renovation Savings Program is part of the larger framework of programs valued at $10.9 billion and designed to run for the next 12 years. During this time the new, continuing and expanding programs are expected to offset about 3,000 MW of peak demand electricity every year, and save approximately 18,000 GWh it total generation until 2036.

Full details of the program will be released in late January, and we would be happy to provide further updates at a later date. In the meantime, please feel free to contact us and get a price for solar panels in Ontario.