The short answer is: “probably not”.
According to the Ontario Solar Net Metering Regulation R18274_e that came into force on July 1, 2018 residential ground mount Net Metering solar panels systems are not allowed. Another restriction is that solar energy systems may not be installed on “the roof or a wall of a structure a primary purpose of which is to support” solar panels. In other words, if you decide to build a shack, barn, sub-structure, etc. the sole purpose of which is to support your solar panels, you won’t be able allowed to connect your solar energy system under the current Ontario Net-Metering regulations.
There are a few exception thought:
1) If your solar panels system is installed on an Indian reserve
2) If you already have a system in place with an executed FIT/microFIT contract
3) If you had your solar panels installed before the date this Regulation came into force
Unless you are participating in a Virtual Net Metering demonstration project, your ground mount Net Metering solar power system must be installed “15 metres away from any boundary of the property on which it is located”.
Finally, for the owners looking to install large solar systems of more than 10kW, ground mount solar energy arrays cannot be installed on prime agricultural lands in Ontario.
Ground Mount Solar Panels Tracker in Ontario
If you require any additional information or would like to get a quote, please feel free to fill out a request form, and we will get back to you within 24 hours!