How to chose solar panels for your home

Your choice for residential solar panels in Ontario depends on a number of factors such as efficiency requirements, quality, budget considerations and conditions at the installation site. Read on to learn more about these critical considerations.

Bi facial solar panels Thornova

  1. Efficiency and Size

Efficiency measures a solar panel’s ability to convert sunlight into electricity. Higher-efficiency panels generate more power per square foot, which can be beneficial if you have limited roof space or want to maximize energy production. Modern residential solar panels typically generate 250 to 500 watts per panel, which translates to around 1.5 kilowatt-hours of energy per day. High-efficiency solar panels perform even better than that. 

Review a full year’s worth of your monthly utility bills to figure out how much electricity your household currently uses, then use our free calculator to determine what solar array size you’ll need to offset your current consumption. Crunching the numbers can help you understand how much energy a solar array can produce and decide if switching to solar power is practical for your long-term needs.

how to reduce electricity bill in Ontario

  1. Cost and Complexity

The total price tag of your solar array can vary widely based on factors such as the installation’s complexity and available incentives or rebates. However, the average price of installing a rooftop solar panel system in Ontario is between $2.50 and $3.50 per watt

Compare the system’s upfront cost with the cumulative savings it can provide through reduced energy bills. Remember to add the cost of accessories like a home battery if you plan to go off-grid.

  1. Durability and Warranty 

Look for solar panels with a comprehensive warranty that covers product performance and power output over time. Panels with a longer warranty period and a sound performance record are typically a better investment.

  1. Location and Climate

While solar panels continue collecting the sun’s rays even on overcast and rainy days, the hours of peak sunlight exposure your home receives can influence your solar panels’ long-term performance. Fortunately, Ontario has some of Canada’s sunniest cities, making solar a wise investment in this province.

  1. Installation and Maintenance

Don’t forget to factor in the installation process when budgeting for your solar panel array, including hardware and labor costs. Consider the preventive maintenance and cleaning required to keep your solar panels operating at peak efficiency over time. For example, hiring a professional solar technician to provide periodic inspections allows you to identify and fix minor flaws before they compromise efficiency and performance.

  1. Manufacturer Reputation and Reviews 

Choosing panels from a reputable and reliable manufacturer can ensure long-term safety, reliability and performance. Research solar panel manufacturers’ customer reviews, industry certifications and third-party testing results. 

Difference between mono and poly crystalline solar panels

Request Your Free Quote to Start Saving With Solar Today

Do you want to harness the sun’s unlimited energy, save money on your utility bills, decrease your carbon footprint and boost your property’s resale value? Compare the six variables in this guide with your needs, budget and preferences to select the best solar panels that will provide your home with long-term energy savings.

When you’re ready to take the next step, request free quotes from installers near you to qualify for solar incentives and product warranties. Our experienced technicians can design a solar array to match your household’s electricity needs and answer your questions about choosing the best solar panels for you.

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