Solar Shingles Ontario

With the help of the recently announced Government grant for solar panels installation in Ontario, more and more people are now considering solar panels as a smart, environmentally friendly investment for their homes. However, you might worry about how a traditional solar panel array will affect your house’s curb appeal.

all black solar panels OntarioAll-black premium solar panels can improve your house curb appeal.

Solar Roofing Solutions

Depending on the size and complexity of your roof, conventional solar panels may not be the best choice to utilize all the available space and maximize your solar energy potential. Plus a full solar array might still draw some attention away from your landscaping, hardscaping and other investments you’ve made in your home’s appearance. However, as solar technology has evolved, some manufacturers have innovated practical ways to integrate solar panels into the building structure, while making them thinner, lighter and efficient.

Soon, hopefully, you won’t have to choose between your aesthetic goals and your environmentalist values. Several companies, including Tesla, have started manufacturing solar roof shingles or tiles that look identical to standard, traditional roofing materials such as slate and asphalt. They are also low-maintenance, UV-resistant and durable enough to provide peak energy generation for two or three decades.

Solar shingles. Courtesy: CanadianSolarTile

How Do Solar Shingles Work?

Solar shingles work the same way as traditional solar panels. Each shingle harnesses the sun’s energy to generate electricity for your home. Instead of paying a utility company to “rent” electricity every month, people who use solar panels might fulfill all their energy needs solely with photovoltaic cells.

Ontario homeowners who invest in solar could generate enough clean energy to offset their electricity consumption and reduce electricity bills. Switching to solar may make financial sense if your electricity bill represents a significant household expense that you’d like to reduce.

Dow Powerhouse Shingles – discontinued as of 2020

Should You Consider Solar Shingle Technology?

If you’re interested in solar shingles, you should be aware that there are advantages and disadvantages to being an early adopter of this innovative solution.

Pros of Solar Shingles

  • Their sleek design blends in with your existing roof and adapts smoothly and discreetly to your home’s architecture.
  • Traditional solar panel arrays can be heavy. Lightweight solar roof shingles or tiles could be an ideal solution if your existing roof can’t take the extra load.
  • Solar roofing materials tend to come with long warranties, making them a worthwhile investment.
  • Using solar energy for your home’s electricity needs is an investment that pays for itself over time.

Cons of Solar Shingles

  • Because they are still relatively new to the market, solar shingles tend to be more expensive to buy and install than conventional roofing materials or a solar panel array. They are also less energy-efficient in general, which might require additional space to offset your energy consumption.
  • Your Ontario solar installer might recommend installing a brand-new roof instead of adding solar shingles to your existing roof.
  • The installation time for your solar roof shingles could also be relatively longer than a traditional roof or roof-mounted solar array, depending on the brand you choose.
kW solar panels system installed with the help of the Greener Homes GrantTraditional solar panels array

How to Find Solar Companies in Ontario

To find out which solar shingles are currently available in Ontario, and get a free quote for your residential solar energy or off-grid solar panels installation, fill out this request form and we’ll get back to you within 4-6 hours!

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