Energy-Saving During High-Demand Periods

In Ontario, a unique program called Peak Perks incentivizes participants for their energy-saving efforts during times of high electricity demand. Read on to learn more about how this initiative rewards homeowners for using less power and the role of smart thermostats in achieving these energy-saving goals.

How Does Peak Perks Work?

Program participants agree to time-limited thermostat adjustment events on the hottest summer days. In exchange for enrolling in Peak Perks, you will receive a $75 virtual prepaid MasterCard.

  • During an event, your thermostat will automatically adjust no more than 2 degrees Celsius to reduce your home’s energy consumption.
  • Before an event, your thermostat may adjust down slightly to pre-cool your home and keep you comfortable.
  • Once an event ends, your thermostat will return to its original temperature setting.

You will get an alert when an event occurs and can opt out at any time by resetting your smart thermostat back to your desired comfort level.

The Benefits of Smart Thermostats

To participate in Peak Perks, you must install a smart thermostat that can automatically adjust its temperature settings. By connecting wirelessly to the power grid, these thermostats receive signals indicating when electricity demand is high and respond accordingly to optimize energy usage and reduce strain on the grid.

A smart thermostat can revolutionize how you control your home’s temperature, offering a range of benefits that go beyond convenience. This device can optimize your energy usage based on your household’s patterns and preferences. By ensuring you do not waste energy on heating or cooling an empty house, your smart thermostat can help you save money on your energy bills.

Many smart thermostats also provide detailed reports that let you track your consumption patterns over time. This valuable information helps you identify areas for improvement and make informed decisions about energy-saving strategies. By understanding your usage patterns, you can actively work toward reducing energy waste and reduce your carbon footprint.

How to Take Advantage of Peak Perks

If you are a residential electricity customer in Ontario with an eligible, Wi-Fi-enabled smart thermostat installed in your home and are not currently participating in another residential demand response program in Ontario, you can sign up for Peak Perks. For each additional year that you stay enrolled in the program, you will receive another $20 virtual prepaid MasterCard. 

Enbridge customers who do not already have a smart thermostat can take advantage of Enbridge’s $75 instant discount to buy one. 

You may also qualify for a free smart thermostat from Save on Energy’s Energy Affordability Program. Additionally, you can check with your local electric utility for available rebates.

Ontario Home Thermostat Installation

Earn Rewards for Using Energy Wisely

Canada’s Peak Perks program offers an exciting opportunity for Ontario residents to actively contribute to energy conservation efforts while benefiting from financial incentives. By using your smart thermostat to automatically adjust temperature settings during peak demand periods, you can reduce your household energy consumption, save money on your bills and do your part to create a more sustainable and reliable power grid. Embracing programs like Peak Perks also supports the collective goal of building a greener future.

Get financial rewards for participating in Peak Perks this summer and keep them coming for each additional year you participate. By taking advantage of this straightforward way to reduce your home energy consumption, you will reduce strain on the grid on hot days.

If you are looking for more ways to shrink your carbon footprint and upgrade your Ontario home with intelligent energy-saving solutions, several loans and grants are available for you to take advantage of. Learn more here.

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